Friday 19 December 2014

How to survive the festive season

Christmas may be the happiest time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful - especially for those of you that need/want to shop.

I know you're brave, you're simply taking one for the team every time you courageously head out to the shopping centres.

I have put together a guide to help you keep on track this silly season.


-Know what you want. Research a gift for each of your friends and family online, prior to hitting the stores. This will not only save you time when you hit the centre, it will also help you stick to a budget.

-Know how much you want to spend. An extra $10 here, an extra $20 there can all add up. Know your limit for each person and stick to it.

-If for whatever reason (and I truly mean, whatever reason you crazy people!), you choose to go to the 24-hour trading nights, the quietest time is between 3-4.00am.

-No matter how late you have left a present, gifts from a service station are never a good idea. You can almost buy vouchers for any retail department (except for Victoria Secrets - what's with that?!).

-Don't buy a present for the sake of it. Yes, you may not love your mother-in-law, but that doesn't mean you should get her something you wouldn't like yourself. Unless you would use/wear the gift - leave it at the store.

-If you are absolutely in love with a certain item, and you cannot live without it you should buy it right then and there. If you used the L-word on that item, there's a good chance someone the same size as you has also used it it. Sometimes waiting for the sale can lead to disappointment.

-If you like an item (key word 'like'), I can almost guarantee you that it will be at least 20% cheaper on December 26 (unless of course we are talking high-end brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada - 'sale' is not a part of their vocab). So if you don't need it, wait. I have already started a list of things that I need to purchase on Boxing Day (watch out Chadstone!).

-And the best invention of all time for Christmas shoppers - GIFT RECEIPTS! This way the person doesn't know how much you've spent, and it still gives them the opportunity to swap if for another colour, size etc. You're welcome!


-Go early! You will have plenty of other times to sleep in, didn't you have a food-induced nap yesterday after lunch? Avoid queues, and guarantee yourself a carspot by waking up with the birds.

-If you can get dropped off to the shops, even better. Only if you know you won't be buying big and heavy items that you need to drop back off to the car.

-Wear comfy shoes. A lot of walking, a lot of waiting in lines - the last thing you want to worry about is your feet.

-Wear clothes that are easy to take on and off. If you are going to be trying things on, you won't want to be fiddling with tricky zippers. Save yourself the time and energy by wearing something loose fitting.

-If you see something you like it - pick it up. Even if you are still not 100% sold on it - because as soon as you let that item gone, someone else will snap it up. You know what they say, those who hesitate...

Remember, a lot of people will be spending their Christmas money and vouchers, as well as exchanging items during this period - patience is they key to pre/post holiday shopping.

PS If you are really a savvy shopper, after New Years, the 20% off sale will usually turn into a "take a further 20% off the 20% off sale".

Good luck!

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