Tuesday 27 January 2015

Quick Tips

I have 2 favourite lip products that I have added to my staple list.

The first is from MAC - 'Prep and Prime' lip (RRP $33). I refuse to wear any type of lipstick without using this baby first.

The clear primer will hold your lipstick on all day. 

If you talk a lot, eat a lot, or kiss a lot - this primer is for you.

Not to prime is most definitely a crime.

Next up is a newly discovered cheapy from the Body Shop ($12.95), the 'Lip Liner Fixer' - and fix it does.

As you would have read, my new Rebel lipstick feathers around the edge of my lips. Instead of buying a lipliner to match each of my lipsticks, the Body Shop have created a clear liner (cue the hallelujah chorus).

Now, time to add these beauties to your make-up bags!
What are your lip tricks? Let us know at jspstyling@gmail.com or on Instagram @jspstyling

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